Monday, November 22, 2021

Open Thread - View on Bitcoin/cryptos?

So, Bitcoin 100k or 10k? Any other cryptos to consider? Which other samples do you want me to explore with qpAdm/qpgraph?

R-L657 poll results so far

Lets keep the votes coming :)

Where did R-L657 Originate free polls


vAsiSTha said...

Is another steppe paper coming soon?

vAsiSTha said...

Next post is on composition of steppe eneolithic.

tim drake said...

Hi vasistha,
If you are taking requests and have free time :), can you model
(i) Rors
(ii) Swat valley ancients ?

vAsiSTha said...

swat valley looks like localSwat(iran+aasi) + bmac + central_steppe_mlba

would suggest G25 for Rors, but take it with a pinch of salt because we dont have actual local aDna samples as base population.

Bhattji said...

Bitcoin definitely to 100k in the next few months, but who knows :D What are your views?

vAsiSTha said...

no view. i stayed away. but thinking now

Bhattji said...

By all means, but only start with a small amount. Also check out ADA, LINK and DOT. They are undervalued at the moment but are fundamentally very solid projects.

discreetmaverick said...

you have not considered another option, which is in accordance with

- History
- Linguistics
- Archeology
- Even literature (literature can have different interpretations)